15 Website Features That All Business Sites Need

Did you know that over 57% of consumers today will not recommend a poorly-designed website? That’s a lot of people who will never do business with you because of something as easily correctable as website design.

Unfortunately, many small business owners today think that just having a website online is enough. However, this isn’t true. If you want to be successful online, you need to have a website that offers your customers and web visitors the features they are looking for.

Don’t let your website be among these statistics. Ensure you include these website features to create a site that is up to par with today’s consumer standards:

1. A Straightforward and Easy-to-Remember URL

As a new business owner, you’re probably too excited and can’t wait to commission a website as soon as possible. Don’t worry; we’ve all been there. The temptation to put your business out there as soon as possible is understandable.

But before you do anything else, you should ensure that your website has a straightforward and easy-to-remember URL. It doesn’t matter how great your website looks; if people can’t find it, it’s not beneficial to your business.

Not to mention, a confusing or long URL can be a real turnoff for customers. So when creating a URL for your business, keep in mind that simplicity is key.

Make sure your website’s domain is easy to remember by using a .com extension. Avoid using numbers or weird spellings in your URL, which can confuse customers. Also, make sure that your website address is easy to type into a web browser.

2. A Clear Definition of What Your Business Does

One of the most important website features for businesses is a clear and concise definition of your business and the services or products you offer. You can place the definition in either the header or footer of the website.

A business description should include the company’s history, what it does, what makes it unique, and what services or products it offers. You should also include your company’s location(s) and contact information such as the phone number and email address.

Include keywords that potential customers might be searching for on your website. This will help you rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Remember that business descriptions should continually be updated as needed to ensure accuracy.

3. Call to Action Buttons

Call to action buttons should be a key inclusion in any web design because they encourage visitors to take specific actions. These actions include signing up for a mailing list or buying a product. Including these buttons is essential for converting website visitors into customers.

There are several things to keep in mind when creating call-to-action buttons:

  • Please make sure they are easy to see and prominently placed on the page
  • Use clear, concise language that tells visitors what they need to do
  • The buttons should be a different color than the background so they stand out
  • Make sure the button text is legible against the background color
  • Don’t use too many buttons on a page

A call-to-action button will help you convert your site’s visitors into customers. Using clear, concise language and easy-to-see buttons can increase visitors’ chances of taking the desired action.

4. A Blog Page

A blog page should be a priority in your website features checklist because it helps you generate leads, sell products and services, and connect with customers.

A company website should have a blog page to share news, updates, and insights about the company and its products or services. The blog page is also an ideal place to publish thought leadership content, which can help attract leads and establish the company as a credible source of information in its industry.

Some key features to include on a company blog page are:

  • A headline and summary
  • A publishing date
  • The author’s name and contact information, if applicable
  • Categories and tags for easy navigation
  • Links to related articles or blog posts
  • Comments section to allow readers to share their thoughts
  • An RSS feed to allow readers to subscribe to the blog

Blog pages allow website owners to be creative and share their company’s story to connect with clients and potential customers. By following the tips above, businesses can create blog pages that are not only informative but also engaging and helpful.

5. Accessibility Features in Websites

The company website should also be accessible to people with disabilities. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) provide recommendations for making websites accessible. WCAG is an international standard, and it has been adopted by many countries, including the United States.

WCAG is a set of guidelines divided into three levels of accessibility: A, AA, and AAA. The guidelines cover various topics, including website design, color contrast, images, and multimedia.

Businesses that want to make their company website accessible should follow the WCAG guidelines and test their website using the WAVE tool. The WAVE tool is a free online tool that allows people to evaluate the accessibility of a website.

6. Product Page

A company website needs a product page to highlight its products and services. This is where customers can learn about what your company has to offer. The product page should include photos or videos of the products, a description, pricing, and customer reviews.

It’s also key to ensure that the page is easy to navigate and that customers can quickly find the information they need. If potential customers can’t find what they’re looking for on your product page, they may leave your site and look elsewhere.

Ensure that you highlight the most important information about your products and make it easy for customers to buy them.

7. A Mobile-Friendly Web Design

Over 84% of households use smartphones and tablets to browse the internet today. That’s why you should create a mobile-friendly and responsive website. If your company website isn’t responsive or doesn’t have a mobile version, you will lose out on many potential customers.

A responsive website will resize and rearrange its content to fit any screen size, whether a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Having a mobile-friendly website is important for your company’s online presence and is also required by Google for ranking in their search engine results pages.

8. Seamless Navigation

Navigation is key when designing your website. The last thing you want is for your visitors to get lost on your site or struggle to find what they’re looking for. Your navigation should be easy to use and intuitive so that everyone can find their way around without any trouble.

Some of the most important elements of your navigation include:


Your homepage is the first thing your visitors will see, so make a good impression. Make sure it’s easy to navigate and contains all the information your visitors need.

Menu bar

The menu bar should be easy to find and contain links to all the important pages on your site. These include your About Us page, Contact Us page, and Product Pages.


The footer is the perfect place to include additional information about your company or products. Ensure that it’s easy to find and contains links to your company’s social media pages and website.

Search bar

The search bar is a great way to help your visitors find what they’re looking for. Make sure it’s located in a convenient spot and easy for your visitors to use.

9. High-Quality and Engaging Content

Your website content should introduce your company to potential customers and showcase your products and services. It also provides helpful information and encourages customers to take action. If your website doesn’t have great content, visitors won’t stick around long enough to learn about your business or buy from you.

Make sure your website content is well written, accurate, and up-to-date. Also, make sure it’s engaging and interesting to read. Use photos, videos, infographics, and other visuals to break up the text and add variety.

Keep your content fresh by regularly adding new blog posts, articles, and product descriptions.

10. A Cookie Policy

Cookies are small pieces of data stored on the user’s computer. You can use them to track users’ activities on websites. A Cookie policy collects information used to improve the user’s experience on the site.

You can also use cookies to track users’ movements online and collect their personal data. Businesses should use cookies to improve their website’s functionality and performance.

However, you shouldn’t track users’ activities without their consent. To comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), businesses must get explicit consent from users before collecting any of their personal data. A Cookie Policy is the best way to do this, as it provides clear and concise information about how you will use cookies.

11. Staff Biographies and Photos

Including a staff biography page with photos on your site is a great way to introduce your team to potential customers and partners. Your website visitors will appreciate getting to know more about the people behind the company. Plus, it can help build trust and credibility among your audience.

Make sure to keep your staff bios up-to-date and include a good mix of individuals from different departments and levels within the company. You may also consider adding headshots to help visitors put faces to names.

If you’re not comfortable having your team’s photos on your website, you can always use stock photos instead. Just be sure to credit the photographer or the company if you do.

12. Reviews and Testimonials

One of the most important eCommerce website features is the ability to collect and display reviews and testimonials from past and current customers. This helps build trust and credibility with potential customers, who are more likely to be influenced by positive customer feedback than company advertising.

Testimonials and reviews can also help sway them in your favor if they are on the fence about buying.

Ensure that you have a system for customers to leave feedback, whether through a rating system or simply leaving a review on your company website. And be sure to display the best and most recent feedback prominently on your site.

13. Social Media Pages

Your website should have links to your company’s social media pages. This allows customers and potential customers to follow you on their favorite social media platforms. It also makes it easier for your customers to share your company’s website content with their followers.

Having links to your social media pages on your company website is a great way to increase traffic to your social media pages and grow your following. Make sure your company’s social media pages are up-to-date and showcase your company’s best content.

14. An Online Chat Feature

Including a chat feature on your site can help you communicate with your customers in real-time. This can be a great way to get feedback, answer questions, and resolve any issues that may come up. Live chat is also a convenient way for customers to ask about products or services before purchasing.

If you’re looking for the best chat solution for your business, ensure  that the software you choose offers the following features:

  • Real-time chat
  • Chat history
  • Multiple operators
  • Chat transcripts
  • Mobile compatibility

Ensure you settle for software that helps you easily manage chats, see visitor information, and even provide real-time support. It should also integrate with various platforms and other business software you use.


CAPTCHA is an acronym for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.” It’s a security feature used on websites to prevent automated programs from submitting forms or making purchases.

This feature usually takes the form of a graphic with distorted text that users must enter into a text field to submit the form. This is designed to prevent bots from submitting information on behalf of humans.

CAPTCHA is a security feature that helps protect your business against spam and automated attacks. All business websites should be CAPTCHA enabled to ensure the safety of their data and customers.

Include the Above Website Features in Your Design

Your company website is the face of your business. It’s where potential customers learn about who you are, what you do, and how they can buy from you. As a business owner, ensure your website has all the features listed in this article to give your customers the best possible experience.

Are you ready to create a stunning company website that looks great and functions flawlessly? Contact us today, and we’ll be happy to help you install all these website features.

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