What to Look for in an Affordable Website Platform

Did you know that approximately 25% of businesses don’t have a website yet? It shouldn’t come as a surprise that not having a business website will cause you to miss out on a large segment of your target audience.

The good news is that creating an affordable website is much easier than you think — you just have to find the right website platform. Not quite sure where to start? Let’s explore the key factors you should look for in a platform that allows you to host your small business website.


The first thing you should look for in any website platform is usability. Creating a website should be easy and straightforward — it shouldn’t require a lot of technical knowledge or expertise.

Additionally, the platform should be easy to navigate and use. Having a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to find what you’re looking for is essential when it comes to maximizing customer satisfaction. No matter the quality of the product or service you offer, it won’t mean much if nobody is able to navigate your site.

Unfortunately, this could result in your potential customers working with a competitor instead. In a scenario like this, you are unlikely to secure their business in the future.


Another important factor to consider is flexibility. Your website should be able to grow and change as your business does.

The platform you choose should allow you to easily add new pages, features, and content as needed. Additionally, the platform should be easy to modify. You should be able to change the look and feel of your website with just a few clicks.

A common obstacle that entrepreneurs face is difficulty managing the needs of their website as the company grows. If your site isn’t able to accommodate a higher volume of orders, for example, you’ll be missing out on thousands of dollars in potential revenue.


It’s crucial to consider affordability. The platform should offer a variety of pricing options to choose from so you can find the perfect fit for your needs. It should be noted that you shouldn’t neglect using a high-quality website platform simply because your budget doesn’t allow for it.

It’s in your best interest to reallocate your budget in order to accommodate this need. To clarify, let’s assume that you invest a large portion of your money in marketing your brand. Once people see your marketing assets and navigate your site, they need to be able to fluidly interact with it and make a purchase.

There’s no point in spending thousands of dollars on marketing and then using the cheapest web platform possible. Keep this in mind when moving forward so that you can make the necessary changes.


Unfortunately, the cybercrime industry as a whole is projected to be worth over $10 trillion by the end of the decade. A large portion of this value will stem from the valuable data that hackers compromise from business owners.

Even small businesses are at risk since they often do not have comprehensive security measures in place. Your website will contain sensitive information that will be highly enticing to cybercriminals. This includes passwords, emails, user data, and even trade secrets.

So, you should always choose a platform that offers security features such as SSL encryption and password protection. Your provider should also monitor your site’s activity on a regular basis. If a threat arises, they will be able to put a stop to it before problems begin.

By working with a reputable professional, you will likely find that they eliminate issues before you even know about them.

Ongoing Customer Support

No matter how intuitive your business website platform is, you will more than likely have questions after you begin using one.

If you aren’t able to get in touch with a representative from your provider, you’ll be left to figure out your issues on your own. This could lead to hours of lost productivity. Always make sure that the platform you choose offers ongoing customer support.

In fact, it’s in your best interest to work with a provider that offers 24/7 service. Problems can arise at any time of day or night, and you don’t want to find yourself in a situation where you cannot receive assistance until business hours begin.

Access to Comprehensive Analytics

It’s also crucial to have access to comprehensive analytics. You should be able to track your website’s traffic, understand where your visitors are coming from, and see how they interact with your website. This information will help you make informed decisions about the growth of your website and your business.

For example, you might find that a large number of users make their way to your website from a single blog. This could be due to the fact that a high-profile blogger reviewed your company. You could then get in touch with this individual to see if they would be willing to write more content about your business.

Finding an Affordable Website Platform Is Easier Than You Think

In fact, the process will likely surprise you due to how straightforward it is. The above information has everything you need to know about finding the best affordable website platform for your business. Be sure that you keep this in mind when moving forward so you can make the ideal decision for your company.

Want to learn more about what we have to offer? Feel free to get in touch with us today and see how we can help.

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