Your Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization Tools

The average website’s conversion rate is less than 3%. But top companies can transform that into a rate of around 15%.

Think about all those sales and customers you miss simply because your website isn’t optimized correctly.

The good news is you can get back on top of the game and ahead of the competition with a few simple conversion rate optimization tools.

Read on to find out how you can improve your conversion rate quickly and easily.

What Is A Conversion Rate?

To improve your conversion rate, you first need to understand what it is. A conversion is every time a potential customer clicks on, buys, or engages with your business. Examples include:

  • Opening marketing emails
  • Purchasing from your website
  • Signing up for a newsletter
  • Taking a quiz
  • Providing contact details
  • Asking for a quote

It’s straightforward to work out your business’s conversion rate. If your business gets 200 visitors to the website and 50 sales, that’s a conversion rate of 25%. If you send an email to 1,000 people and 100 people click through to the website, that’s a conversion rate of 10%.

Using Conversion Rate Optimization Tools

The better your conversion rate, the more potential customers you are impacting. Improving your conversion rate means turning potential customers into sales and attracting new clients.

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) tools are a great way to improve your conversion rate and your website performance.

Here are some things to consider when picking a conversion rate optimization tool.


The first step to improving your conversion rates is to know your current position. Look for a tool that lets you track several conversions, such as website metrics, to understand where you are losing customers.

Data-Driven Analytics

Good CRO tools should collect, store, and analyze data to give business insights. The more data analysis you can access, the more informed your decisions will be.

A/B Testing

Use your CRO tools to run A/B testing on your website performance, copy, images, and blog. This will help determine what your audience likes and responds to.

Audience Breakdowns

Knowing is you are attracting your target audience is vital for your marketing resources. Use CRO tools to gather data on your audience to learn who you are attracting and not appealing to.


Your CRO resource will function best in collaboration with other marketing tools. Ensure it can integrate with your existing resources, software, and website performance tools.

Maturity And Progression

A CRO tool should mature and grow as your goals change. You need to use a tool that allows for multiple goal tracking and will grow and expand as you improve your conversion rate. Consider any fees you might need to pay for extra features as your business grows.

Start Using CRO Tools Today

If you’re looking to attract new customers and generate sales, conversion rate optimization tools can revolutionize your business.

Decisive Sites has flexible packages and plans to create a CRO resource that works for your business.

Get started today with our essential plan and take control of your business’s future.

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